Today I’ve been lucky enough to closely watch an incredible event headed by the World Wide Fund in collaboration with Telecom Italia: the ringing of four baby hawks in the middle of Rome!
This event takes place every year since these mom and dad hawks decided to have their babies on one of the Telecom towers of Rome used for telecommunication services, and that is useful for monitoring and studying the movements of these hawks.
It’s been such an amazing opportunity for me to document part of the event as a photographer, and an awesome hour spent watching the breathtaking view over Rome, there’s no such place as this one that gives you a full true 360° view over the city!
The ringing consisted in three phases for each baby hawk: taking length and weight measurements, collecting a tiny bit of blood and putting a marked ring on one of their paws. You can see these three phases resumed in these shots.
Thanks for reading, and hope to see you on the next one.